Introduction to Leonard Bernstein’s “Chichester Psalms”
How well do you know Leonard Bernstein's Chichester Psalms? Explore this Bernstein choral favorite!
How well do you know Leonard Bernstein's Chichester Psalms? Explore this Bernstein choral favorite!
Love the music of Leonard Bernstein? Attend a few Leonard Bernstein Centennial concerts, performances, and special events near you! More than 2,500 celebrations of the Leonard Bernstein Centennial are scheduled through August 2019 around the globe in 60 countries and all 50 states. Here is a sampling of Bernstein performances you won’t want to miss in June 2018.
Jamie Bernstein blogs about two weeks of sparkling Bernstein performances -- from Chicago, Colorado Springs, New York City, Washington DC, Scottsdale, and Memphis -- many of which featured inspiring young musicians.
Jamie, Alexander, and Nina are taking you around the globe, celebrating their father’s legacy with you and adoring fans at thousands of Bernstein Centennial events. This post, from Alexander Bernstein, hails from a glorious day and evening of Bernstein music in London.
Jamie, Alexander, and Nina are taking you around the globe, celebrating their father’s legacy with you and adoring fans at thousands of Bernstein Centennial events. In this post, Jamie Bernstein blogs about the marvelous collaborations in Tucson, Arizona.