October 11, 1977: Rostropovich’s National Symphony Premieres Three Bernstein Compositions
Listen and learn about three Leonard Bernstein world premieres at one concert: October 11, 1977, in Washington DC.
Listen and learn about three Leonard Bernstein world premieres at one concert: October 11, 1977, in Washington DC.
That April night in 1962, New York Philharmonic audiences had no idea they were about to witness a historic performance.
Leonard Bernstein and American violinist Isaac Stern shared decades of musical collaborations, producing some of the best moments in orchestral history. Enjoy this review in photos, text, and sound on Classical.org.
How well do you know Leonard Bernstein's Chichester Psalms? Explore this Bernstein choral favorite!
Not every day can be World Music Day, National Selfie Day, International Yoga Day, AND land on the Summer Solstice. But, can every day be this special? Yes: make music every day!
"It was just a movement from Mahler's Fifth," said Leonard Bernstein of the music for Robert Kennedy's funeral. "But somehow nothing could be emotional or passionate enough to express that moment."
"I never knew Yadin Tennenbaum, but I know his spirit," said Leonard Bernstein in his 1981 dedication at the premiere of "Halil: Nocturne For Solo Flute, String Orchestra And Percussion".
Seventy years ago, Leonard Bernstein began a conducting tour of Europe, marking a critical development point for him, as a musician and a human being, and for a world reeling from war.
On this day, Carnegie Hall celebrated its 85th Anniversary with the “Concert of the Century,” a benefit concert featuring performances by members of the New York Philharmonic and the Oratorio Society of New York, led by Leonard Bernstein.