Two Leonard Bernstein Exhibits, One Many-Faceted Man
In this year of all things Leonard Bernstein, two traveling exhibits aim to bring you closer to the maestro by bringing the maestro to you.
In this year of all things Leonard Bernstein, two traveling exhibits aim to bring you closer to the maestro by bringing the maestro to you.
To most of the audience at this New York Philharmonic Young People's Concert in 1967, Leonard Bernstein was their first introduction to the wild, adventurous music of Charles Ives (1874-1954).
Listen and learn about three Leonard Bernstein world premieres at one concert: October 11, 1977, in Washington DC.
That April night in 1962, New York Philharmonic audiences had no idea they were about to witness a historic performance.
Find out what you have in common with Gustav Holst, composer of "The Planets."
Watch the next installment of the Leonard Bernstein rehearsal video that the world hasn’t seen: Bernstein rehearsing Aaron Copland’s 3rd Symphony with the Tanglewood Music Center Orchestra, just before his final concert with them on August 14, 1990. (Part 2 of 3)
The New York Philharmonic This Week celebrates the Bernstein Centenary with a five-part series of broadcasts dedicated to their former music director. In episode 5, enjoy a playlist of highlights from the New York Philharmonic's discography, including works by Barber, Beethoven, and Bernstein.
Learning from the best, a man before his time.
The New York Philharmonic This Week celebrates the Bernstein Centenary with a five-part series of broadcasts dedicated to their former music director. In episode 4, enjoy this playlist of favorites from Bernstein performances with the New York Phil.