Young People’s Concert #2: What Is American Music? (Video)
Explore the characteristics that make American music sound American in the second televised Young People's Concert.
Explore the characteristics that make American music sound American in the second televised Young People's Concert.
The Bernstein Experience on Classical.org unveiled rare footage of America’s favorite composer and conductor, Leonard Bernstein, leading one of his final rehearsals of the Tanglewood Music Center Orchestra, Michael Cooper of The New York Times reported January 24, 2018. Cooper described the footage of Bernstein conducting Aaron Copland’s Symphony No. 3 as […]
Classical.org is pleased to share with you for your exclusive viewing a Leonard Bernstein rehearsal video that the world hasn’t seen: Bernstein rehearsing Copland’s 3rd Symphony with the Tanglewood Music Center (TMC) Orchestra, just days before his final concert with the TMC on August 14, 1990. (Part 1 of 3)