The Making of a Masterpiece: 1984 West Side Story Recording Sessions
It was September of 1984. The New York classical music scene was abuzz with word of a happening -- not for the general public -- in the recording studios on West 44th Street.
It was September of 1984. The New York classical music scene was abuzz with word of a happening -- not for the general public -- in the recording studios on West 44th Street.
Leonard Bernstein centennial celebrations are happening through August 2019 around the globe in more than 400 cities in 60 countries and all 50 states. Here is a sampling of Bernstein performances you won't want to miss this month.
Leonard Bernstein's poetic take on the keys to happiness, circa November 1989. What is happiness to you?
"From the very first moment he stepped on the podium, Lenny changed my life."
When West Side Story premiered in 1957, no one could have known that this seminal musical would resonate with audiences for more than half a century.
The Bernstein Experience brings to you, for the first time ever, exclusive audio footage from the intimate recording sessions of Leonard Bernstein with John Gruen. In these first clips (of more to come), Bernstein talks about the origin of West Side Story, on the heels of a failing Candide.
No piece serves as a better introduction to Leonard Bernstein's compositions than West Side Story.
"Leonard Bernstein's music is immortal. It still sounds different from every other Broadway score you'll hear."
Bernstein was a conductor, a pianist, a composer, a lyricist, a teacher, a poet, a writer, a father, a friend, a colleague, an activist, a humanist, and a concerned citizen. He was a man of his amazing times, whose echo still resounds, perhaps more loudly today than ever before.