Introduction to Leonard Bernstein’s “Chichester Psalms”
How well do you know Leonard Bernstein's Chichester Psalms? Explore this Bernstein choral favorite!
How well do you know Leonard Bernstein's Chichester Psalms? Explore this Bernstein choral favorite!
Not every day can be World Music Day, National Selfie Day, International Yoga Day, AND land on the Summer Solstice. But, can every day be this special? Yes: make music every day!
How is composing a fugue like building a Ferris wheel? Leonard Bernstein explains this and more in this classic 1959 Young People's Concert with the New York Philharmonic.
"Development is really the main thing in life, just as it is in music," says Leonard Bernstein in the fourth Young People's Concert; "because development means change, growing, blossoming out; and these things are life itself."
"It was just a movement from Mahler's Fifth," said Leonard Bernstein of the music for Robert Kennedy's funeral. "But somehow nothing could be emotional or passionate enough to express that moment."
"Tanglewood is not a school, in the strict sense. It does not offer courses, degrees, credits," Leonard Bernstein said at the opening exercises in 1951. "Tanglewood is a musical universe..."
Love the music of Leonard Bernstein? Attend a few Leonard Bernstein Centennial concerts, performances, and special events near you! More than 2,500 celebrations of the Leonard Bernstein Centennial are scheduled through August 2019 around the globe in 60 countries and all 50 states. Here is a sampling of Bernstein performances you won’t want to miss in June 2018.
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"I never knew Yadin Tennenbaum, but I know his spirit," said Leonard Bernstein in his 1981 dedication at the premiere of "Halil: Nocturne For Solo Flute, String Orchestra And Percussion".